
【Important】Tokenomics Balance Adjustment

In our major update v2.0, we revised the token acquisition logic and setting values. However, based on the results of data analysis of various token-related figures since the v2.0 release, we have confirmed a deviation from the expected balance.
Therefore, we will adjust the balance of various Tokenomics-related values.

Tokenomics Balance Adjustment Schedule:

This adjustment will take effect from the maintenance on August 22, 2024.

【Maintenance Duration(JST)】
August 22nd (Thu), 11:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m. (scheduled)
*Please note that the end time is subject to change

Major changes

  • Changed the Economy Balance Coefficient from 1.2 to 1.0
  • Changed various parameters related to token acquisition logic when Returning to Town
  • Modification of BC earning power according to proficiency level (basic increase modification)
  • Modifying the cost and required experience related to increasing proficiency (cost increase)



Changed the Economy Balance Coefficient from 1.2 to 1.0

The economy balance coefficient will be changed from 1.2 to 1.0 to account for token output since the v2.0 update. As a result of this change, the token output in the game as a whole will decrease compared to before the change.

Changed various parameters related to token acquisition logic when Returning to Town

  • This adjustment strengthens the correlation between the number of rooms progressed (the number of rooms newly advanced from the previous maximum number of rooms reached) and the amount of $BC tokens earned.
  • Both in terms of the amount of tokens that can be earned in a single Return To Town and in terms of the total amount of tokens that can be earned by the Adventurer NFT consuming its Alchemical Power completely,
    • The amount of tokens that can be earned with less room progress will be reduced compared to before the adjustment.
    • The amount of tokens earned by the adventurers with more rooms progressed will increase compared to before the adjustment.
  • Theoretically, the most tokens will be earned when an adventurer NFT with the maximum alchemical power progresses through a dungeon until its alchemical power reaches zero.
  • The amount of tokens earned in low proficiency level cases will be reduced compared to the previous balance.
  • The amount of tokens earned will be increased in the case of a high proficiency level adventurer NFT and a large number of rooms progressed compared to the previous balancing.

Modification of $BC Affinity according to proficiency level (basic increase modification)

In order to increase the amount of tokens acquired by equipping adventurer NFTs with high proficiency levels and making large room progress, the $BC Affinity has been adjusted upward at proficiency levels 2 and above. The upward revision of $BC Affinity depends on the rarity and proficiency level of the adventurer NFTs, and the maximum increase is approximately twice as much.

Modifying the cost and required experience related to increasing proficiency (cost increase)

A modification will be made to increase the experience required to increase proficiency. This will result in an increase in the cost required to increase proficiency. The modification to the experience required to increase proficiency will depend on the rarity and proficiency level of the adventurer NFT, and the total cost required to reach proficiency level 20 will increase by approximately double.

Reason for this Balance Adjustment:

The purpose of this balance adjustment is to correct the deviation from the expected balance in the token acquisition logic which was adjusted in v2.0, as well as to introduce an updated token acquisition logic that complements a smooth and enjoyable gameplay balance and level design, which was the goal of the v2.0 update.
We consider that the major change in this adjustment, “the case where the most $BC tokens can be obtained is theoretically the case where the adventurer NFT with the maximum alchemical power progresses through the dungeon until the alchemical power reaches zero,” will affect the game play style and other game experience.
Therefore, we would appreciate your understanding and acknowledge that there is a possibility of making further adjustments depending on the results of data analysis of the token situation and game play after the modification.


  • This modification may significantly change your token acquisition status depending on the type of Adventurer NFT you own and your play style.
  • When purchasing items in the marketplace, in-game shop, etc., please take into account that balance adjustments will be implemented before making a purchase.
  • After this correction, we will conduct another data analysis of various token-related values and may continue to make adjustments.
  • No compensatory measures will be taken in conjunction with the Tokenomics balance adjustment, including changes to the economy balance coefficient.