Gas Hero x Wizardry BC Character Design Contest

Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC – in partnership with Find Satoshi Lab, is hosting a character design contest with Gas Hero.
Design your own hero character, taking full advantage of the unique characteristics of Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC’s adventurers, such as race and class!
Your design could be the Genesis Hero of Gas Hero!
Contest Requirements:
1 Designing Heroes
The hero must meet the basic requirements of Gas Hero. Please check the detailed information in

2 Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC – Elements
You need to create your character design by incorporating Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC’s character elements, see the link below for Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC’s character elements.
You are encouraged to get creative and create your own fascinating character from the race and class elements of Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC’s adventurers!
Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC – material link:
3 Follow X (Twitter) accounts and join Discord
Please follow the following X accounts and join our Discord:
・Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC – Official X :
・Gas Hero Official X :
・Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC – Official Discord Server :
4 How to apply for your character design
Apply on X (Twitter)
Post your work and images, use the hashtags #GasHeroGenesis and #WizardryBC, and tag @GasHeroOfficial and @WizardryBC.
★All reward result announcements will be shown from Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC – X account. Winners will receive a DM from the official X account. Winners must turn on the DM receipt setting.
5 Deadline
October 5th 23:59 JST
Contest Rewards
Genesis Prize (1 work)
[Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC -] “Adventurer Genesis Collection” NFT x 1
Gas Hero Prize (2 works)
[Gas Hero] Base Construction Vehicle x 1
[Gas Hero] Hero x 2
Wizardry BC Prize (2 works)
[Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC -] Candidate List* (Adventurer NFT) x1
[Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC -] Introduction Letter** x2
*Candidate List is an adventurer NFT whose contents are unknown until the time of opening.
**Introduction Letter is an item required to user-mint an adventurer NFT.
Contest winners will be required to provide information such as wallet address in order to receive their prizes.
*We will handle information in accordance with our privacy policy (
Genesis Hero Honor
If your work can attract the attention of the Gas Hero team and become one of their Genesis Heroes, you will have the opportunity to earn 2% royalties. So don’t forget to submit as required on the website:
Giveaway campaign is also being held in conjunction with the contest!
A Giveaway is held to commemorate the contest.
This campaign is open to everyone. We hope you will participate!
The following will be raffled off among the participants!
You never know what prize you might win!
・[Gas Hero] 1 Base Construction Vehicle for 1 person
・[Gas Hero] 1 Hero for 2 people
・[Eternal Crypt – Wizardry BC -] Introduction Letter for 3 people
Winners will be required to provide information such as wallet address in order to receive their prizes.